Reducing solid waste is of huge importance to society’s planet-saving efforts, as landfills pose significant economic and environmental problems. Kilometres of land are wasted for thousands of years and tons of greenhouse gases are released. 

To help our fellow eco-warriors, we have developed recycling and waste collection apps and share tips today to help you join the landfill revolution.

Clothing Donations

Globally, clothing and fabric items are a huge part of the landfill. As clothing comes back into fashion, consider keeping and reusing them rather than buying new ones. Alternatively, ask your family who wants hand-me-downs, as youngsters love “vintage” styles. Next, donate to people or organisations that need these items. 

Food Waste

One of the greatest wastes in today's homes is food left to rot. Tons of excess food go to waste, which becomes methane producers in landfills. Try to initiate meal planning and purchase items for those plans. You’ll save a lot of money and help the planet. 

Compost wilted fresh produce and cooked food that doesn’t contain meat, butter or other dairy products. The latter items can be composted via the bokashi method. Make every effort to keep food out of landfill sites, as methane is deadly for the planet.

Healthy Food, Healthy Planet

Interestingly, healthy food generally (but not always) comes with less packaging than processed food or fast food. Reuse your old shopping bags, and be strict about using cloth shopping bags. 

Lovely Leftovers

Scraping large portions of leftovers into the bin is a huge negative for the environment. Reinventing leftovers will save you money and help the planet. Try to initiate a habit of storing leftovers for the next day's lunch with the simple addition of rice, pasta or naan bread.

Pared Down Packaging

Buying in bulk has always made sense if you use it and don’t let food rot. Food that can be frozen is a great option for bulk buying, whether when first bought or processed into meals. The trick is NOT to buy additional food until the freezer stock is depleted. You will significantly reduce the amount of packing that comes into your home. 

NO To Plastic Bottles

Plastic water bottles are a scourge and millions litter the globe. Get a water filter at home, and a carbonator if you like sparkling water. Get thermos, steel or glass reusable bottles to fill and carry with you. Alternatively, carry a collapsible bottle that you can refill at water shops. 

Contact us today to join the waste revolution with those tips and our waste collection apps!

02 May, 2024
Having an intelligent dispose app can provide a number of significant benefits to how waste management is handled by a local council. Learn more here.
01 May, 2024
HOW DIGITAL WASTE VOUCHER CAN HELP COUNCIL Digital waste vouchers can help with waste management in several ways: Promoting Recycling and Waste Reduction: Digital waste vouchers can incentivize residents to recycle more and reduce waste by offering discounts or rewards for proper waste disposal. Encouraging Proper Disposal: By providing vouchers for specific disposal services or facilities, digital vouchers can encourage residents to dispose of waste properly, reducing illegal dumping and contamination. Tracking and Monitoring: Digital vouchers can be tracked and monitored, providing councils with valuable data on waste disposal trends and behaviors. Cost-Effective: Digital vouchers can be more cost-effective than traditional paper vouchers, as they can be distributed and redeemed electronically, saving on printing and distribution costs. Promoting Local Businesses: Digital vouchers can be used to promote local businesses that are involved in waste management or recycling, helping to support the local economy. To find out more about the digital waste management voucher solution that we offer, as well as our waste management and recycling app, content management solution and more, contact us at Impact Apps today to have us tailor our technology for your council’s unique needs. Don’t waste any more time or resources. Call us now!
25 Apr, 2024
Looking to simplify your recycling routine? Check out our guide for five easy ways! Learn about efficient sorting, composting & other strategies to make recycling a breeze.
04 Apr, 2024
Want to make recycling easy? Check out our guide on how a bin collection calendar can help! Our calendar makes recycling simple & convenient. Learn more now!
30 Mar, 2024
How thoroughly must I wash my recycling & how dry should it be? Learn the answers to these questions to prepare for pick-up dates on bin collection calendars.
01 Mar, 2024
Looking to make your home recycling more eco-friendly? Check out our guide for tips! Learn about sustainable packaging, composting to improve your recycling habits.
08 Feb, 2024
Become a part of the recycling community and use the bin collection calendar to your council’s advantage. Visit our website to read more about recycling schedule!
27 Jan, 2024
Read how waste collection and waste collection app needs have grown in AU, which are high-demand regions, future projections & the recycling impact. Learn more.
01 Jan, 2024
Looking for the benefits of recycling in Australia? Check out our comprehensive guide! Discover how recycling can benefit the environment, economy, and community.
26 Oct, 2022
With so much information available these days, it can be difficult to know what to take on board & incorporate into daily routines. Continue reading!
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